Mind Your Own Business PMB – 13 July




Light lunch and coffee included.

Join us on the 13th of July for a Mind Your Own Business training at the God’s Family Life Church in Pietermaritzburg.

The MYOB training is perfect for anyone that wants to start a business. You may have a few business ideas or you just think that you are the right person to start a business. If you do not have any ideas for a business, don’t worry! This course will help you to generate ideas. If you already have some ideas, but don’t know which one will work, the MYOB course will help you to see which idea will work best for you.

The MYOB course also helped me (Marko) while I was already in business. It helped me to validate if the business is the right one for me, it helped me to develop a marketing plan and to grow my business faster. If you’re already in business, this course is right for you.

When starting a business, your mindset is very important. If you believe that the government or someone else needs to do everything for you, then you will need to change your mindset to be successful in business. You need to believe that you can make a difference and that the quality of life that you will have can be determined by you. Go make it work. We teach you the right mindset in this course.

Every person is unique in the sense that they have unique skills, life experiences, networks, worldviews and a bunch of other things. We look at you as a person so that you can start a business that is right for your situation and abilities. You need to build a business that works for you.

In this MYOB course, you will learn how to research your business idea to see if it can work. Here we go into detail on how to research the market, how you will compete, who your customers will be and how much they will pay.

Will what your customers pay for your products or services be enough? That is what we find out in session 3. We look at the finances, the prices you can charge and if you will be able to cover all of your expenses and a salary big enough to sustain you and your family.

After that, we will look at how to build a website for your business, how to generate more sales and position yourself in the marketplace.

When you finish this course you will walk out with a business plan that you can then use as a guide to starting your business. You have done all the learning and thinking that you can. It is now time to go out into the world and build your business.

But don’t worry. We are with you every step of the way. You will have the opportunity to present your business idea to the group and get feedback and tips on how to start. Additionally, we will meet once per month to hear how it is going and to help you along your journey.

You can:

  • Attend live sessions on 13 July
  • Follow along in your workbook and in the business plan template
  • Get feedback and support in starting your business
  • Network with like-minded people who are also doing the course

The course consists of the following:

  • 4 sessions for a total of 6 hours of teaching
  • Join 6 online group coaching sessions that happen monthly online
  • Network with like-minded entrepreneurs who are also attending the course
  • Walk out of the MYOB course with a business plan that includes all you need to start your business

Course outline:

  1. Biblical reflection on business, what is a business, why start a business, what makes a business successful, and the mindset needed to start a business.
  2. What kind of business should you start, researching your business idea, who are your customers, how much will customers pay, and finding your customers.
  3. Process planning and set up costs, what are the risks, operating costs, revenue, cash flow, will your business be profitable, business structure, naming your business, sources of funding, business planning.
  4. Keeping records, building a website, developing sales, promotion, other matters, top tips.


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